Border Development
- Type : Book
- Author : Souksamone Sengchanh
- ISBN : 9786163983428
- Language : English
- Number of Pages : 115
Khuan Village is one site of specific and influential economic change in hopes of participating in the neoliberal global economy the Lao PDR government has adopted astrategy of constructing Special Economic Zones (SEZs) where economic policies unique to the rest of the country economic growth. This case study investigates the SEZ in Tonpheung District and analyzes the effects of new economic enterprises on the livelihoods and quality of life of locals in Khuan Village Most families received little to no legal assistance in the negotiation processes for their land and resources the result is that most locals did not or feel they did not receive appropriate compensation This study focuses on how the amount of financial and social capital possessed by a family prior to the changes caused by SEZ policies has directly affected their ability to adapt to these changes and form new livelihoods
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Tags: Academic วิชาการ, มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม่, หนังสือ, อีบุ๊ค, ebook, CMU, CMUBOOKS, economic