Honey Bees of Asia : Microbes, Mites and Pests
  • ฿400.00
  • ฿280.00

  • Type : Ebook
  • Author : Panuwan Chantawannakul
  • ISBN : 9786163981875
  • Language : thai
  • Number of Pages : 144
  • File Size : 2.55 MB

key pollinators honey bees, have been evolved for million years along with flowering plants. Asia is rich with species diversity and the bees are known to play vital roles in maintaining the the local fauna and sustain the agricultural crops to secure food sources for human consumption in the region, where the population continue to grow. Southeast Asia is regarded as a hot spot for scientists to study ecological interaction and co-evolution between hosts and parasites 9n different species of honey bees. The most serious and widespread bee pathogens and parasites today in the European honey bee are parasitic mites. nosema, kashmir bee virus which may have originated from Asian honey bees in South East Asia, More information on Asian honey bee health can also reflect the future threat in European honey bee worldwide especially when the global warming and fast transportation allow the prevalence and dissemination of tropics pathogens and parasites. This book aims to provide the current bee health status of honey bees in Asia which are now under emerging pressures from natural causes and human activities in modern society of globalization. Symbiotic relationships between living organisms and honey bees are also described

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Tags: Bees Pest Mites Microbe Food super Honey beekeeping, academic, ChiangMaiUniversity, มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม่, หนังสือ, อีบุ๊ค, ebook, CMU, CMUBOOKS, ผึ้ง, แมลง, ศัตรูพืช, ยาฆ่าแมลง, เห็บ, หมัด
